



A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Good to wander and imagine a better place to be



“A Poet is one who believes and one who cannot bring himself to believe”
Tadeusz Rozewics

I imagine you close. Your soft face near. I wish to drift forever into your eyes.
John Castellenas/Coyote

“Everything is still. The still of the night. Bewitching appetites. Sweetest breath and clearest eyes.”
John Fletcher

I believe once I could catch the wind. Ride her to great places and accomplish great things. I marvel at the beauty of my world. Dear Earth gave me flowing river, sunny days and chance of  dance with beautiful woman in amazing locations and places.

She held silence and she gazed at me with wonder. She try to imagine who I was and what did I need. She gave me a weak smile and asked. If love is true? Why do we swim in fear of release and possibility? I told her love is like a storm. When is alive and strong. Can overtake the landscape of our mind and heart. We can be wild and know the true freedom of being empty of fear and filled with real joy and  abandon cold walls of disappointment.

“A million angels wander a woman’s palm.”   Tadeus Rozewics

I watch her dance with the waves upon the Seaside beach. I could not imagine such beauty in thoughts and dreams. She gave me gestures of kindness. Her eyes warmth my heart and her smile make me want to smile also.
She was the sun upon the Winter days of my life. She was the moon in the night, to show me. I was alive and death was far away. Her day splendor made the days endless in laughter and delight. Her night beauty made me want to hold her close and find new dreams and hope. She was my light, my beckon to dream and imagine. I could accomplish great things.

She smiled and told me. My lover, my flesh remember you. When you are gone. I imagine us together. I like to bathe in silence and memory. I like to reflect on you. Your lofty way of living and the desertion of standing in one place but a moment. I love your wild spirit and I yearn for the sweet kiss and welcome hellos.

Old writer and Poet told the young writers. Imagine love, imagine peace. Hold tightly to kindness and love. A dreamer must dream, a lover must love.  We must sing the song of peace to overtake the loud and powerful words of hate.  When the hope is gone. What do we have left?

Imagine peace and  understanding. We must stand our ground.  Peace, sweet peace. We have forgotten you. Sweet love seem far away and distance. We must eat the past and release the bad days. Lay bare our secrets to the sea. Become hopeful and not weight down. Love cost little. Hate is very costly.

Coyote/John Castellenas


© 2014 Coyote Poetry