Poetry by the Paris night

Saga of a dreamer imagination, wisp and you. Poetry by the Paris night.

A Chapter by Coyote Poetry


A new chapter. I hope you enjoy.


This Chapter is rated Mature and may contain material unsuitable for readers under 18.

                               Poetry by the Paris night

I watched her dress slowly. She knew I like when she dressed for me. She wore a long red dress that covered her nude legs to protect her from from the chill of the Paris night. Her shoulders were free to be seen in the neck-less dress. I  observed her with a artist vision. Her perfect curves and  body made me know. She had Paris and I had her. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. She put her sweater on and a red scarf. She told me. You promised me a night walk through the city of lights. Are you ready? I slipped on my shoes and we wandered out to the city of Paris.

I like the Latin Quarter. It was filled with life and activity. Even with the chill in the air. We walked toward the Seine River. A lot of people were walking and the city was filled with energy and hope. Most of the people smiled at us and gave silence hellos. Each with their lover and having places and plans to accomplished. We heard  music by the river. Three young Russians students were playing violins, guitar and singing. They had a cowboy hat for donations. We walked up and tossed some money into the cowboy hat and they asked for any request. I asked for Pretty woman. A song for my Goddess friend. They smiled and told us. Your wish is our comment. They played the song with skill as me and Katie found a nearby bench to sit and listen. Katie asked can we sit here and listen for a minute. I like them. They are the reason Paris is alive and well. The Gypsy spirit will never leave the city. I smiled and I gave her a kiss. I said anything you want. The next four days are for you. You made me want to be alive again. I want to see you smile and content. She sat close to me leaning her body near and whispered. Thank you my lover. I brought out my pen/paper and I wrote some words.

Les Deux magot

I wished I drank with Mr. Hemingway.
He knew the good wine and strong alcohol.
I wonder did he meet ladies of mystery here.
Did he write the great book here drinking his wine?
I sit with my lover today and I  wonder.
What would Hemingway do today in Paris?

The red scarf

My beloved love her red scarf.
My gift to her on our third date.
I remembered she wrapped the scarf around her shoulders.
Did a dance stripping her clothing off for me. She fell to the floor, taking off the red scarf and she whispered,
as she wrapped the scarf around my back and brought my face to her face.
She told me this red scarf will make you dream of me forever.
She was right.

Beautiful Katie

Beautiful Katie knew.
My heart was dead. She gave me sweet whispers of hope with her gentle voice.
Made me dream and learn I was worthwhile.
She taught me. We must feel needed to be alive.
Her gestures of love made a neglected heart come alive.
Intangible hunger and dreams brought two together.
Dreams of splendor and faint smile of joy.
Leave the old Poet hoping and dreaming for more.

City of lights

Endless energy and reflection of old and new.
Leave the city of life, safe from the naysayers of love.
Love is free and never diminish in the cradle of ancient myth and modern love.
Dear Paris. She lay bare her secrets and new lovers lay new exposure to where love is free and safe.
A domain for the wild in spirit and the brave in heart.
Thank you City of lights for allowing lovers to find peace and joy in your arms.

Katie told me. No more writing Johnnie. You promise me some real wildness tonight. We are here to express what people in closed and locked doors cannot understand.  We must work hard to keep passion alive and well. No sissies in the game of love. I want bold, untamed love. I want you to take me at-will. I will you to remember me. I want to be your last and first thoughts. You are my lover and I’m your lover. I want you to dream of me when you are away and I want you to yearn for me when I’m near. I want not to refrain and hold secrets. Tell me everything you need and I will tell you what I need. I reached over and kissed beautiful Katie. I told her. I have you now and this is what I need.

Coyote/John Castellenas



© 2014 Coyote Poetry