What is true and what is not?


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What is true and what is not?

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


A sad poem. A friend died. Needed words to keep his face alive.


                             What is true and what is not

I told my dear sister. Somethings we will not understand.
You can’t live for the dead. You must live for the living.

Men will fall. Lose themselves. Many reason for failure and sadness.
After you cross a path. Hard to return to the hope of youth and sweet dreams.

Easy to play Russian roulette with life. Woman, booze and drugs.
Many ways to reach a dead-end.

A friend had left. Left us with no words. Just words spoken and life lived.
He would tell us. I’m okay brother. I found my peace. I finish my journey.
I’m with God now.

Today children are with us. We must go on. Dear Scott would say. His honest and direct nature.

You can’t live for the dead. You must live for the living.

I pray for peace and calm for a man who knew little. I hope and pray he found peace.

Coyote/John Castellenas