Truth and knowing peace

Truth and knowing peace

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words and thinking too much


               Truth and knowing peace

Sober mornings leave the careless men with decaying love, to swim in fatal decisions and regret.

The false flattery turn white love to black love. The naked light of a new day leave arrogance men to learn. He had defaced love and left her to die.

The Poet try not to play the martyr or lawyer in love. He will disguise real emotion that was freely given without accounting for the adamant of the ending.

Love will flourish on the warm days of May. Charming smiles and temptation of pure white skin are the bewitching view to make old Poet wish for the glimpses of illuminated love. Spring in the incense and the aroma of hope and possibility.

Old Poet told the destine man who wasted kiss and embrace.  Love is appreciated when it is gone.  Lonely and foolish men learn to mourn for the muses who awoke their heart and mind. There is no return ship to revive dead and buried love.

The man told the Poet. She had the clearest blue eyes like a wild and free river. Her lips tasted of sweet wine and I left her for the unknown. Not knowing her  kiss would become the landscape of my dreams.

Old Poet poured the whiskey in the stranger’s cup and told him. After you abandon love and swam in regret and learn .  Love is life. Life is love. Without knowing love. We have known nothing.

Coyote/John Castellenas