Together again

Amazing poetry by a talented writer. Please read and enjoy.

Geetha Balvannanathan's Blog - Isis Tratum

Together again

30 May 2016

norns robertcorneliusphotography com Courtesy

The coastline

Shimmers under sun

Wanton gleam

Daylight dream

Some things are more than they seem

Compounded interest

Your shadow

Crossing over mine

Dark omen

Of chances

Piercing looks replace glances


The story

Reads infinity

Tags misplaced

The soul braced

To your bedside I had raced

The shivering Tides

Silver moon

Overlooks the creek

Where we speak

Silent thoughts

Petals of flowers in pots

Manure of morrows

They will grow

The fading whispers

Of past Times

When we dreamt

All that dissolved and was meant

To be or to waste

Broken haste

Picking up pieces


Songs playing

The soul to soul obeying

Together again

Reading of the poem: 

blue tango bassedef com Courtesy

Kites Background theme music

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