I need the sea, the highway and some freedom


A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Lana Del Rey song and energy. Make me wish to break free and celebrate being alive.



True freedom my friend is dancing with the wind. Singing song till the morning light.
Knowing open highways and not being controlled by money and possessions.

I want the sea, the mountains and to taste freedom.
I have lost my way. Yesterday I put my feet than body into Lake Huron.
I realized I forgot who I was.

Today I’m locked-up and caged. I accepted the rules of profiteers and cold hearten people.
I must learn for the sake of my children. Can’t laid dead for liars and naysayers.

Ride to better places an thoughts my friend, to the open and free roads. Open locked door and swim in the deep sea and stand with grandchildren on cliffs watching the Hawks and eagles fly.

We are prisoners by poor decision.

Just ride with unknown destination. Find secret and quiet places. Touch the coldness of the water.
Embrace the trees and thank the Gods of life. For new day and chance.

Find the free people. People who have time to dance, laugh and taste the sweetness of life.
We are many.

Lana Del Rey whispered to me in song. Just ride. Leave the bad days behind.
Walls of prisons can be took down if we don’t give in to false hope and dreams.

The only limit we have are the one’s we had create.

Dance, sing and laugh. Take the kids to the lakes, sea and forest. Show them from the peak of a mountain.
The world is large and free.  Live! don’t just work and wait for death.
