The sea is near

The sea is near


A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words


                                  The sea is near

“We poets in our youth begin with gladness; But thereoff in the end despondency and madness”- Wordsworth

“Soldier, rest! thy warfare o’ver, Dream of fighting fields no more: sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, morn of toil, nor night of waking”–Sir Walter Scott

“Easy life and quiet death”–Sir Walter Scott

The sea is near

Old Poet sat alone at the Monterey Irish Pub on the pier. It is late 1996. He wrote. “Old debts are not due. Just forgotten. Just forgotten promises made.  Beautiful faces loved, not forgotten. Just the old Poet bleeding words and dead memories into harden skin and his broken heart.

The sea is near. The Poet solitude friend. She was always waiting for him, like a jealous lovers not willing to release his love. He loved the sea for she was free and never tamed. Once he thought he knew freedom and he was like the free wind. Blowing at-will without control and chains.

The Poet seek the good death once. Now he accepted the old age and he loved the words, storytellers and writers now. He digest the books of story and poetry now daily. Dark Poet became the man who accepted less and wanted everything still.

The Poet wrote. “Dryden was right. Men love madness, men love war. The hope and dream of peace forgotten goal and place.

Now he loved the hard drink and he loved the pretty women. Old age made him understand. Every kiss and embrace shared. A miracle for love. He had not forgotten love. He was just waiting for the last grasp into the love dance and song.

The Pacific ocean was dancing and singing to him. He loved the Winters in Monterey. The Winter storms were tempting and dangerous. He brought his suicide board and body suit to keep the cold at-bay. He was waiting for the crazy surfers. They would come later. They knew where the waves were at their peak. He loved to test the Pacific ocean. He felt smaller and safer in her arms.

Pretty Poet sat with him.  She had her suicide board, her body suit near and a perfect tempting smile. She asked him. “Are we dancing with the sea dear Johnnie.” He smiled at the auburn hair beauty and he told her.

Yes my sweetheart. He kissed her forehead, lips and neck.  Her blue eyes shone brightly and he whispered. “You are my perfect storm.

John Castellenas/Coyote