This is the United States of America

Image result for +photos of march on 21 January  Chicago and Washington D.c

God bless our “Freedom”. Strength in unity and millions standing as one.On 21 January 2017.  People stood as one. Millions in many places stood their ground and showed the world and our leaders. We are alive and well.  I have never been so proud of the American people.


Image result for +photos of march on 21 January  Chicago and Washington D.c

Freedom is very costly. Great people must gather as one. Demand equality, fairness for all people and every life had value. On 21 January. The world saw the USA unite. It was a beautiful site to be seen.

Image result for +photos of march on 21 January  Chicago and Washington D.c


21 January 2017 is step one. Step two is harder. To stay strong for the weak, ensure all children are safe and sound.  We must not be silence for hateful men. We must scream to the mountains. Woman are alive and well in the USA. Today the  many people, women and men made me proud. We must stand our ground. The new battle had just begin.

Image result for +photos of march on 21 January  Chicago and Washington D.c

John Castellenas/Coyote