Wake up…. 

Please read and enjoy the words of a talented writer.

Expresso Feeliwrity

It was a December

It was a New Year….

It will be another day

To witness the existence of evil at bay….

And pardon me if it’s one of the ever heard silly doubts

Isn’t this evil the man himself, seeking pleasure in an innocent’s screams and shouts….

For all this innocent tried was to venture out in the world

Where we boast about bringing equality amongst the genders….

Where we try to build a better place, a better world

Free of slaughters and fears….

But what difference have we made

As per the agendas and laws that we laid….

What do we enact by worshipping the Goddesses by love and grace

Only to end up treating their human resemblance with disrespect and disgrace….

What values do we display by decorating the gold idols with beautiful silk and proper sanity

Only to find the living ones getting ripped off of…

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