“The wild and the tamed”

The wild and the tamed



A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Is is better to play dead or create fear?


                            The wild and the tamed.

Some men don’t fear death.
They don’t believe in destiny or final solution.
Life is to be lived.

Cigarettes, whiskey and wine is their song.
The cold and lonely road had stolen their heart.
Dead in heart and soul leave no pity or time for love or salvation.

Salvation is for the men yearning for peace in a world seeking
death and destruction. The tamed heart yearn for calm and peace.
Hard places to find in a life.

The wild side is easy. Woman wants little from you.
Always places to find people on the dead-end road.
The taverns are filled with people who accepted less.

Some of us danced on the wild side and the tamed life.
I’m older and I have accepted the tamed life.

In sweet and wild dreams. I’m drinking the whiskey. Singing the old songs.
Giving death the middle finger.

It is sad being the lonely man waiting for death.
Death will come. I wondered often. Is what we do in life meaningful?

Or are we just foolish men pissing into the wind.

