One of my favorite songs and some words.

Lay lady lay

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Some 4-5 line poetry. A effort.


Lay lady lay

She peeled her clothing off slow and easy like a stripper tempting a wanting man.
She stood bare for me and I knew she wasn’t real.
She looked into my eyes searching for some kind of emotions.
I whispered to her. I want to see your real face.


She wore a brilliant disguise.
Her angelic face made me fall into her embrace.
She played the devil and angel with grace.
Her phrases spoken were to tempt me, to fall into a false love.


Bitter or sweet.
Simmered love or a careless love.
We will know sorrow or sweetness.
I believe all attempts at love are blessings.

John Castellenas/Coyote