‘Just dance’

Just dance

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


Just words


505 notes

Just dance

Hold me closer, hold me sweet.
Allow my face to fall into your  hair and the essence of perfume.
Allow the intimacy of the dance to make us find forbidden and wild place.

Just move with the music

The moon is large and the night is long.
You and I , alone on a wide open dance floor.
I whispered. Sweet lady, just move with the music and become free.

I love you the first time and the I love you the last time I held you.

Our Friday meeting place. The Texas dance hall and the $2.00 Long Island ice teas.
You are still as beautiful as our first dances in the cold days of Winter.
Today the hot days of Summer leave me knowing. I loved you the first time and the last time.

You are my Texas dream and wish.

Coyote/John Castellenas