Lucie Silvas songs and some words.

Nothing else matters



Once love strong, now love that fell asleep.

You were the prettiest red-hair girl I knew and

I remember you told me in the Winter of 1991 when I left for war.

“Please don’t die Johnnie and I love you.”

I remembered how you saved me once in the Late Winter  of 1988.

I was so damn tire and you saved me.

Took away my 30-30 and you gave it away,

you tossed out my whiskey, vodka and my rum into the Winter snow.

You stayed with me and I told you.

You don’t have to stay with me and you whispered.

Johnnie, Johnnie, nothing else matters today, nothing else matter now.

But you and I,

I won’t leave you alone my dearest friend.

I remembered you stripped me bare and I watch you slowly take off your clothing.

You turned on the radio and you took my hands,

You took me to my bedroom and you held me like a child,

kissed my face a hundred times.

I asked you this night,

my kindest friend, am I worth the effort? Why do you stay with the crying man?

You told me this night, “I loved you since we talked and talked for many months,

you listened to me and I felt beautiful in your eyes.

You never stole from me and I was willing to give you everything.”

Now returning soldier saw the prettiest red head girl, dancing and laughing with another at a Ann Arbor tavern. He hid in the darkness and he waited for them to go. The bartender told him, if she knew, you were here and you didn’t greet her. You will brake her heart. He smiled at his kind friend and he told him.

Old love is like old wine. It tasted bittersweet and cannot be saved. She saved me once and I loved her so. She is dancing in the street of Ann Arbor, in love. I would be dead-weight and I would brake my own heart to see her cry, be sad. I am good my friend, I have California, I am a writing fool, I have my damn Army and I was lucky. The prettiest red girl I have ever known, loved me once.


Dancing Coyote