
Amazing poetry by a talented poet.

Mysterious Soul

my home
an abode of peace, ataraxia atop
there gleams a hope in the times of despair
and the celebration unfurls in the times of happiness
it has been a safe haven
all my twenties, I wonder
the walls still reflect ocean secrets anew
the corners continue to weave relationships
the windows, such lovely voids I can always count on
the silk curtain adorns all
I see squirrels and birds
gossiping in my vintage courtyard
And here I sit overwhelmed,
exulted, and full of sentiments,
for this home has always welcomed,
the achievements and the failures,
the good deeds and the sins,
the literary books, the old stationery,
the wooden shelves
& neatly organized stack of newspapers,
that silvery crockery and an antique clock at front,
I can recite a myriad times,
the time progresses
but the closest possessions remain same,
intimately attached,
and the divine home endures all.


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