Hide and seek…


Hide and seek….

Once we were brave,

once we were unafraid of the ending,

once we loved the beginning.

I found you bare and alone,

laying in a shallow grave,

waiting for no-one.

I offered my hands to you and I told you.

Honey, my sweet.

People, they play hide and seek.

Few people show real face.

I told you once,

I told you twice.

Never give everything away.

More thieves then lovers.

You took my hands and you whispered to me,

my faithful friend,

you accepted my scars, my curse of finding the darkness of  love.

I see in your eyes, never pity,

I know you love me and you are my kindest friend.

Please take me to the sea,

please buy some tequila and lemon.

Please make me laugh and know.

I have love near.

He brought her close and he told her.

A bottle of tequila and a few lemons, some song and my bad humor, I can give.

Your smile, your laughter.

My only wish my dear friend.

                   Dancing Coyote