Glorious love.

Old memories become sweet dreams in old age.

Old memories become sweet dreams in old age.


Glorious love.

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

" Love can make us feel like kings and love can make us feel like a pauper."

                           Glorious love..We danced and learned true laughter at the small lake,
than we forgot the glorious dances and nights when we held each other so tightly.
We believed we were invincible.

Once two people whispered secret words and dreams into the deepen part of the night.
Where lovers can be free in words and in desire.

Somewhere sweet and passionate love decayed with time.
We tried to hold on with resonance of a precious love and sweet kisses.

The old feather bed we shared.
Hold the smell of sweet perfume.
Lost clothing left hidden in secret places to remind me of sweet words
and beautiful faces.

Beauty and sweet dreams is but a flower.
Time will devour the flower leaving only disdain and wishes.

Glorious love have forsaken me.
The effort to pursuit a repeat of the symphony of true love.
Can leave us in a vigil wishing to taste and touch.
To be whisk away kind and tender memories.

I know you can’t return to the innocent of youth.

I wish to be young in heart. Hear the purr of a woman whispering sweet words.
Swim in the heat of the flesh and not be afraid of the ending.


© 2013 Coyote Poetry