Happy Veteran’s Day

A powerful blog. The Vietnam wall I had seen. Leave you with a deep sadness. I agree. FREEDOM ISN’T FREE.

Jessie Jeanine

Memorial Day

I cannot visit
your graves this year;
Your lives which ended
so I could stay here.

A price that was paid
like Christ on the cross,
Most never realizing
how much it has cost.

But, in my heart you’ll always stay
kindred Spirits, souls find their way.
My tears, unashamed, freely fall
may we remember them now, remember them all.


Past, present and future
we honor those who serve.

As a country
may we live our lives in such a way
which portrays that your service and sacrifice
was… nor, is it ever… in vain.


Happy Veteran’s Day
to the Hero’s of our land

For a time that’s bittersweet
Because of you ~ we still stand!

Souls Seeds… 

Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day go hand in hand. I cannot acknowledge one without the other, anymore than I could thank our military service members without also acknowledging other divisions, which

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