Some Texas poetry-A dance with death

A dance with Death.

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


If we listen. Wisdom can be heard in the wind.


A dance with Death.

(If you are lucky. We get warnings to change our ways.  Years ago I was trying to drink myself to death. A beautiful woman  change my direction. Spirits with wise advice do warn us that we control our destiny. I’m a historian and believe if we open our hearts        and mind. We can have a good life. Death is always close. Must forgive the sins   against you and your sins done in our life. A wise man/woman learn to move  on and is thankful for one more day to celebrate being alive.)

I was sitting alone in a Austin tavern.
Drinking shots of whiskey and a lot of beer.
Wishing to be somewhere else.

I was trying to erase my memory.
No cure for a beautiful face.
Hard to erase desire to feel and hold a woman that is gone.

I knew I made the fatal decision when I allowed
her into my home.

Her beauty enticed my hunger to dance in the lust
and passion of her desire to be held and used.
Trying to satisfy a hunger that increases with every touch.

She came to me with grief and tears.
I consoled you and manifested a illogical elicit
dream we could co-habit a space and a time.

In the mist of passion and desire.
Our two heart entwined in the discovery of the secrets
only known to the lights of the burning candles.

Sweet words of Leonard Cohen plays behind us.
I spoke words of love.
She spoke works of thankfulness.

Sweet kisses escalated my hunger to discover every
hidden secret of her perfect body.

Her angelic smile and breathtaking beauty condemn
me to wish for her every second we were apart.

She departed my life on a cold winter morning.
I fell into the pit of loneliness.
Finding peace in long Island ice teas.

The deprave desire of love.
Was extinguish.
My Immune heart and mind  try not  to ascend
to the mirage of loving again.

A beautiful dark eyes woman sat next to me.
I asked. ” Did she want a drink?
$2.00 till 9 pm for the Long Islands.”
She gave me a smile. Told me.
“I’m the caretaker of death.”
She asked me to dance?

We did the Texas two step.
Hank William Jr. is singing.
“Why do we drink. Why do we smoke. ”

I held her close.
Her body was warm and create chills and fear.
She whispered in my ear.
“Your spirit has eroded to cheap whiskey and bad woman.
You are black in aura.
You are contaminated in sin and self-pity.
I will come for you soon.
If you don’t change your ways.”

“Your afflictions will kill you if you don’t change
your road and dreams.
You abandon and deprived yourself from human contact except
in the thieve of flesh in the dark motel rooms.
Where drunken passion and lust can live only.”

“Sometime being a condemn man leave you safe
and alone.
The barren soul forfeit laughter and opportunity to be alive.”

The songs stopped.
Her eyes were searching my eyes.
I felt weak and afraid.
“Asked is it too late?”

She smiled.
Told me.
“Hell is full of disappointed souls damn to swim in shit

“Leave the booze and disappointment here in the back of
this tavern.
Live life like this is your last day to be alive.”

She gave me a crystal.  Told me.
“Put this in your power bag. May keep you safe.”
She kissed my forehead and my lips.
Walk away quickly to the exit.

I tried to thank her.
I followed her.
I went outside the bar.
She evaporated into the night.
I found only the peace of the  hot Summer Texas night.

I don’t drink anymore.
I’m thankful for the warning.

Death sometime does make house calls.
Life is to be celebrated.
Pain and pleasure are the memories and
building blocks to make us wiser and kinder.

8 Aug 1994