
Please read and enjoy the work of a amazing writer.

Megha's World

“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.

aaron-blanco-tejedor-373250.jpgWe are all broken, crumbled
rounded again
made from the same clay
caked and baked in the same
unforgiving oven

We all have cracks in us
from where the light gets in
frayed at the border
pulling apart at the seams

Peeling off and
breaking down into pieces
in all our miseries
We are all the same
living under the same
ashen cloudless sky
and blue moon in its reverie

Breathing the same air
swooning over the same
melody of the souls
and crooning our necks
to the same broken chords
in unison, we roll

We all are the same
laughing and cracking up
With welled up eyes
With bruises we endear

Getting stabbed by the same knife
bloodied by the same bullet
cast Creed or religion
doesn’t seem to discriminate
Or beg to differ

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