Drinking again…

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Drinking again….

2021 is almost done and she wasn’t a good year. I lost good people and my world became more empty. I have my grandchildren, they keep me from running away to no-where. I dreamed of no-where when the whiskey is strong.

No-where would be the quiet of Port Austin, Michigan or Monterey, California.

I feel forgotten and I don’t care. All I have is my writing. I need to publish some books before I am dead. Maybe travel to South American. Write a great novel.

My writing is alive. I wrote 300 new stories and poetry in 2021. Tonight I am drinking the Black Velvet, listening to the sweet jazz, remembering no-one and I am writing into my journal tonight.

“I need Jazzy songs, I need the tropical sea, I need spicy food and a kind woman.

The whiskey is tasting better, the jazz is so damn good.

the strong whiskey make my head less crazy, less hazy.

Now I write old man poetry. Once I wanted to save my world.

Now I want to save myself.

I ain’t seeking pity, I dug my own grave. No-one to blame.

I know we can’t stop time, you can’t run away.

We just become men, accepting less.”

2022 is coming and I will attempt to awake my sleeping mind. I will try to stir my soul to awake again. Maybe the rhyme of life is fair. We get older, the whiskey will taste better and we will need less.

Happy New year..

Dancing Coyote