Writing on the Walls

Wonderful dance of words and thoughts by a talented writer.

Brigid Faye, Reader

I was talking to a wise Mr. Wizard yesterday and he told me that in life you are all alone in a white padded room writing on the walls. That writing is your reality. It was a metaphor that got to me. It inspired me to write in my notebook like I was writing on the walls literally and creating my reality. It was fun, here’s what it looks like.

To Mentor is not to shape. To mentor is to nurture. To nurture is not to overcrowd. To nurture is to support. To support is not to control. To support is to love without expectations.

To love is not to own. To love is to see. To see is not to expect. To see is to listen. To listen is not to interpret. To listen is to observe. To observe is to trust your senses.

I am surrounded by love…

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