
Please enjoy the amazing verbal poetry by a amazing writer.

Digital Rabbit Hole

goodScreen Shot 2023-03-07 at 2.07.15 PM 2                                                                   Toni

Please push play to hear me recite this poem to Neil Young’s “Helpless”


This is the music that played through our days
The Canyon was our forever home
hippies roaming the sunset strip
parading after dark up and down
and right above that happy colorful freak show
was a glen called a canyon… Laurel Canyon.

We were being carried on the winds of change
and didn’t even know it,
because these were the happy innocent times.
Somehow you and I made it our home
and I don’t even remember how we met…
Looking back it seems you were always in my life.
You were so much bigger than Life
our own Canyon Janis Joplin,
so naturally gorgeous and a hostess
to all her colorful friends
who were constantly dropping by.

Her VW Bug, top down
Dumpster dog riding shotgun
until I sat down,
“Move over Dumpy! The…

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